by Saskia Rao-de Haas
SKU: S4ALL0017
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Shāstra: a wondrous journey through the musical history of India all the way from the origin of music upto recent times. The word Shāstra means science; Sangeet shāstra means the science of music, and Shāstriya sangeet means the classical music tradition of India. This term to refer to the music that is based on the documented music history of India. Shāstriya sangeet prides itself on being the oldest continuous music tradition in the world. In one form or another, it has continued to delight and enlighten people for over three thousand years. In Shāstra, the reader takes an active role in compiling a history of Indian music as an independent traveller, with the book as their guide on the journey. This book is a history of Indian music and not the history of Indian music, since a subject as extensive as Indian music history can never be the perspective of one chronicler, but can only be a combined effort of many. Shāstra aims to achieve this through assignments in which the reader is invited to do their own research into various musicians and their diverse interpretations of Shāstriya sangeet. Price: inclusive of packaging, postage and taxes.


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